Let’s see … I know I’m many months late with my impressions of the Fuji X-Pro 1. I’m sure there were “reviews” before the camera was even released. Even if there weren’t I’m sure there were thoughts – probably numbering in the thousands – on forum sites. Quite honestly, I didn’t read any of them.
Then again, I never really do. How is the experience of a retired engineer or a forum-whore-turned-blogger going to help me? They’re not.
I got the chance to play with the X100 when I was in Berlin last summer. Loved how quiet it was. I wasn’t, however, so happy with its AF focusing ability. It hunted like the old Nikon AF stuff I shot back in the day with D-series lenses. It wasn’t quite the same but it hunted. In daylight it seemed fine but I wanted more than fine. I compared – at the time – everything AF to the way my Canons performed. Now, since I’m shooting Nikon digital, I compare everything to that. And that’s pretty spectacular.
Interestingly I was having “issues” with my digital rangefinder, the venerable yet outdated M9. There was a time when the M9 was my ambient light body as an accoutrement to the Canons I was using. For some reason the SD cards would lock up. I’d get that annoying red “writing light” more than I cared to see it. Anyone that knows me knows it wasn’t because I was reaching the end of the buffer either. It’s one thing to happen when you’re shooting for yourself but I also shot that camera system for clients, too. If it weren’t for clients, I wouldn’t be able to make as many personal photographs. Each is important yet when someone’s paying you to shoot your equipment must work 100% of the time.
With the M9 that wasn’t exactly the case. I’m not an M9 hater. I’m not a Leica hater. I just think they’ve done boneheaded marketing moves but I still like the company. I mean … I was one of the original beta-testers of the M9 when it was the P864. I know I’ve made almost as many frames with that camera system as anyone on the planet. That folder has in excess of 100,000 photos in it. Personal street, stuff I shot at the request of engineers on the original design … and work stuff. The M9’s that went through my hands saw everything from street photos all over the world to Metalica to The Prince and Princess’ visit to California last year. Speaking of which I was overjoyed that the M9 worked flawlessly on that assignment.
It tended to do that when the light was good. When ambient (good CRI only) was 800 or higher and you were about halfway on a battery you’d get banding. Ya’ know … and even though they released firmware update after firmware update the response I got was “use older cards with it.” Nikon and Canon have never told me that. Then again, working photographers DEPEND on their cameras and most who shoot with Leica are more concerned that the strap matches their bespoke jacket and hat. ;)
Last summer my love affair with Leica digital ended. I started shooting my daytime street photography with my MP almost exclusively. The lab was happy. Now, though, the lab is sad because I’m souping my workflow. From USD22.00/roll to under a dollar. Way under a dollar. Forgot how much I loved doing my own analog workflow.
Besides … when I push the release on the MP I know I am making a photo and not possibly doing a battery-pull-reset on the M9 and losing a frame (s) I liked. I know some – and I used to say in the past – that digital street is heresy. Well, it’s not. It’s just different. I know it’s different for me. I missed having the ability to reliably shoot a digital rangefinder-ish camera. That was until this Spring. I got my hands on the Fuji X-Pro 1. My only memory of shooting anything Fuji – besides their lovely black and white and E6 film – was the X100.
When I first looked at the initial frames I thought “gone is the nicely rendered CCD colour images from the Kodak sensor.” They weren’t exactly gone because the Fuji looks different than my Canon and Nikon files. Not worse. Different. They were, again, different than what the M9 produces but … not worse of better. They’re just different. And I grew to love those files! Still do!
Admittedly, most of the colour files from the X-Pro 1 become
monochromes via Nik’s Silver Efex Pro 2.
That was one of the things I credit the M9 with: It got me used to and enjoying street
moments in colour. I like having
the option. Besides … if I showed
up to a shoot and told a client, “This camera only does black and white images”
I think they’d look at me funny and tell me to use one of the others. Never quite understood the Leica mM as
it’s a solution to a problem that didn’t exist in the first place.
Unless you’re rich and want the newest fetish in camera wear. Or, of course, that you really enjoy monochrome HDR images. You’d be an mM-man. I have no doubt they’ll sell every single one they make, though. Funny thing is I know more kids with Canon digital Rebels doing better work than 99% of the guys wearing a Leica.
I found that I enjoyed looking at X-Pro 1 images and making them monochromes in post just as much as the files I saw from the M9. They were just different.
It always struck me odd that I would use a seven grand
camera and have to manually focus it.
Even though the X-Pro 1 was “challenged” in certain light to grab AF on
a subject I found that it liked certain areas better than others. I also found if I used the EVF in the
viewfinder it seemed to focus much quicker. I’m sure if you used this camera for a few days and didn’t
know how to work it you’d be a bit frustrated. Cameras don’t frustrate me. I just learn their weak points and strong points and use them to the best of their ability.
I got pretty good with the X-Pro 1.
Never had a problem writing to any SD card either! Old cards.
Newer cards. The little-ish
Fuji wrote to them all (I use only Sandisk cards of the SD or CF variety but
use Sony QXD cards in the D4) without the complaint of a batter-pull reset. In fact, I’ve never had to pull the
battery on the X-Pro 1 to stop it from doing something I didn’t want it
do. I heard people say they didn’t
like the menus on the X-Pro 1. I
get through them just fine. Their RAW conversion program is another story altogether, though. Saw it once and never launched it again.
In the back of my mind I always said, “Oh, but your
favourite glass, man: it’s not
gonna look the same.” My go-to
lens on my Leicas is the 1.4/35 Summilux-M. With film I rarely go above 800. Funny that with the M9 one couldn’t go over 800 if they
wanted useable photos. The
closest lens on the Fuji system was the 18mm f/2.0 XF R. A stop faster than what I normally use
for the ambient body. Having the
ability to shoot the X-Pro 1 at 3200 and 6400 ISO made that extra stop
irrelevant. I could actually shoot
in situations I would have just put the M9 back in the bag and forgot about
I found that the 18mm f/2.0 XF R was faster focusing than the 35mm f/1.4 XF
R. Could have been just me but
seemed that way. Both of these
lenses are fantastic. Are they
less expensive than the Leicas?
Totally. They performed
every time I asked them to. The
results are beautiful.
It seems Fuji has a pretty good idea how to make excellent lenses. Are they excellent? Well … for someone that actually uses
them for work … they perform amazing.
I’m not an MTF-freak. Both
the Fuji 18 (about 28mm in full-frame parlance) and the 35 (about 50mm in
full-frame) are in my opinion spectacular. When one factors in the cost associated with them and
contrasting them with Leica lenses the difference is staggering. Is the performance difference
staggering? Well … Fuji’s are AF
and the Leicas will probably never be AF.
Ya’ know …. Even though it’s 2012. Shoot a jumping puppy with an MF Leica digital and see if you can get what you want.
I heard a quote from Leica back in the day, “We’re not
interested in AF: Our customers
know how to focus.” Think that’s
bitten then in the ass to tell you truth.
Leica digital’s footprint on the digital photography landscape is pretty
small in terms of users. I don’t
think they’ve ever wanted mainstream acceptance. They want customers who want to take pictures in Cuba.
Another thing it seems to me is that Fuji designed a digital
rangefinder-ish camera from the ground up instead of trying to appease a group
of Leica owners who are older than those sitting on the Supreme Court. I think that Leica used to think of the
photographer first before they became a lifestyle brand but I guarantee Fuji
thought of the photographer first.
You can tell by using the X-Pro 1.
I’m done with any digital system that isn’t AF. Digital should be AF. Why the hell would anyone want an
MF-only digital camera in 2012?
Not only that but when the M9 develops new problems and Leica starts to
consider it a “legacy system” I have no doubt they’ll try to just up-sell the
customer to their newest model instead of fixing it. I was genuinely concerned that my M9 would end up a paperweight
instead of a viable camera. That’s
one of the reasons I sold it. I'm not interested in mounting my Leica glass on the X-Pro 1 either unless it's the 2.0/75 Sumicron-M perhaps for tight portrait work.
I’ve gotten literally a hundred emails from guys who ditched
their M9’s, bought the X-Pro 1 and have never looked back. A Leica and “passion for the perfect
picture” doesn’t mean you’re going to make great photos. A camera is a tool. The photographer makes the photos. The camera just records what he/she
saw. The X-Pro 1 does that
exceptionally well.
Another thing that used piss me off about the M9 is the shutter
sound. An MP it definitely is
NOT. The X-Pro 1 is a whisper
compared to the M9. I like being
as inconspicuous with my camera as possible. The Fuji may be a bit bigger but … it’s way more silent. The Fuji is way lighter, though. Does lighter make it more prone to break? No way. So far the X-Pro 1 has fallen from the backseat of a car to the ground (2 feet), knocked off my shoulder by the gf (about 3.25 feet to concrete) and a couple feet to a wooden floor. It's still making fabulous frames and hasn't complained. It's also been knocked into door jams. Not on purpose, of course. I can tell you that when you knock a Leica hard it's going in for an RF adjustment.
I’d spent more than a few months with the X-Pro 1, gotten
used to its AF quirks and still loved what I was seeing. Then … the engineers did the 2.0
firmware upgrade. They unleashed a
beast. Fuji makes you update
camera firmware AND lens firmware.
Whatever the hell they did made the AF really really good. I mean … almost great. I switch back and forth between the
optical viewfinder and the EVF and find that they both perform way better than
before. The files write to the
cards faster. I was used to Leica
updates and being wholly underwhelmed.
This update was OVERwhelming. So nice to see a company actually care about people who want
to make beautiful photos instead of appeasing people who wear a camera.
The wake-up time has drastically improved as well.
I couldn’t be happier shooting the X-Pro 1. When I just “grab and camera” and go I
either get the X-Pro 1 or the MP … or lately a Nikon F100 with the
2.0D/35. If I’m purposefully going
to make street photographs I use both the MP and the X-Pro 1. One of the bodies is normally in my
bag, though. They are nice accoutrements to each other. Both
wholly different but … they’re both amazing in their own ways.
I couldn’t have been happier exiting from the Leica digital
upgrade path. Spending 7K every
time they upgraded their lagging technology wasn’t something I was interested
in doing. I’m a photographer; I’m
not a fanboy; I’m not into looking like I’m a discerning picture taker. I was in a Sur La Table in L.A. one day
and a check-out clerk seeing the MP says, “Nice camera. Do you actually use it or carry to be
I told him he probably had outdated headshots and wasn’t
getting the commercial work he hoped for and that he was arrogant.
Seeing the look on his face made me also think he was
probably “an improv guy” and was improvising with me in a jocular way. I doubt he’ll do that to another customer.
Honestly, I don’t care if it’s a Leica or a Fuji on my shoulder when I want to
make photos. I make photos because
it’s one of the reasons I live not just because I want to look cool wearing a
Leica as the king of dilettantes likes to say.
I just want to make the photo I want to make when I push the
button. The X-Pro 1 allows me to do that every single damn
time. Not to mention really
silently! I have more confidence
picking up the X-Pro 1 more than I
ever did when I wanted to make a photo with the M9.
I’m done drinking Leica’s digital Kool-Aid. From what I’m hearing so are a lot of
others. Their work isn’t suffering
whatsoever. Neither is mine.
Bravo, Fuji, Bravo!
You guys really went above and beyond. In fact, I think you guys out-Leica’d Leica.
The only caveat with this camera is that for some reason
Apple hasn’t released a Camera RAW update for it. All of the photos I’ve posted in this entry were processed
through Lightroom 4. I know. Heresy for a diehard Aperture
user. Perhaps someday… I mean they've never ignored a camera but ... seriously ... wtf?
Beyond having to use Lightroom 4 when doing post on the X-Pro 1 files this is the digital rangefinder-ish camera of choice for me. My last Leica M9 has a nice new home and I hope that guy is making lovely photographs with it.
In the eyes of the Kool-Aid drinkers, though, seeing that Fuji on my shoulder must mean that I don't know how to make proper photos ... and that if I could possibly like an affordable camera ... I'm not as cool as they are. That's all good. Let them think that ... It's all good with me.
The Fuji does a better job at street photography than the M9 could ever dream of doing. I have a feeling that the market segment that used to only use Leica will "see the light" as it were sooner or later when they're tired of chasing an upgrade path that costs as much as a car.
And if you're a red-dot-Kool-Aid drinker and see the Fuji and think I'm less of a photographer than you are, well, go ahead and keep that "passion for the perfect picture" going on in your head.
Oh, yeah, buy the X-Pro 1 grip-thing, too. It's way better with it. And, I'd also get at least one extra battery. I don't know if it was the battery that was originally sent with it but ... I wasn't too stoked on its performance. The crappy M9 battery almost seemed good compared to it. The second battery I ordered seems to be way better. Funny when you look at those prices. The battery is half of what Leica would charge and it's probably a better battery. Who the hell knows what a grip would cost for a Leica but I'm positive the Fuji's grip is at least a cheaper by 80%, too. ;) Sorry red dot ... the Kool-Aid is starting to taste a bit overly sugary yet rancid.
Cheers from La-La-Land. Best wishes for making nice photos!
p.s., check out my homey Rinzi's work on his blog ... he's uses the X-Pro 1 well.
Fun read Chris. Thanks for the post. Keep the self souped images feeding through on Tumblr eh?
I feel like there was this wave of film/leica/rangefinder photography from a couple of years back (you and Sev leading the charge) but slowly less folks are talking it up and with new developments like the one discussed above, digital keeps steamrolling. The gestalt of the rangefinder with the shiny bauble dazzle of digital. What's not to like? :)
More long posts like this please!
Posted by: Aaron | 22 October 2012 at 03:47 PM
Nice Chris, glad you're liking it. I have an X100 that I enjoy (and it too got a firmware update...made the AF much quicker) but I'm eying an X-Pro1 and the 35mm.
Question: Do you use the OVF or EVF more? I'm guessing OVF, but I'm just wondering.
Posted by: Patrick | 22 October 2012 at 05:37 PM
nice stuff, I too love the XP1 and EF20 flash. Check my blog at genelowinger.blogspot.com and my website at www.genelowinger.com
Posted by: gene lowinger | 22 October 2012 at 11:59 PM
Nice work Chris! I love my X100. It's really a joy to shoot. I'm a Canon guy and shoot events and weddings mainly with zooms, so being forced to shoot personal work with a prime has really improved my creative vision. The quirks don't really bother me, as I also learned my way around them. I never shot with a range-finder and was always curious what the fuss was about with Leica. Regardless, I rather spend $8000 on upgrading my Canon gear and investing in some primes. Cheers!
Posted by: Mike Swiegot | 23 October 2012 at 06:53 AM
Beautiful photographs!
Posted by: Jason Keefer | 23 October 2012 at 09:36 AM
You make very good points in your comparison.. But honestly, very pompous and annoying with your opinions..
Posted by: ME | 23 October 2012 at 02:30 PM
i read your tirade against Leica. Was it deserved? No! The problem for a busy, take no excuses or prisoners pro, is equipment not up to date.. The Leica is a relic. A beautiful ell made relic. I love mt M3, M6. Would i have bought the M9 or earlier the M8? No,No,No. Why.Too expensive with too few features that a Nikon 3100 or Canon T3 simply rocket past.. I use my Leicas but prefer for street photography, my humble Canon P/S Powershot S-590, and newer Canon 1200. The first cost $107, taxes included 3 years ago. Shot about 75,000 images with it, in all kinds of Canadian weather.. Many gravity tests later, have no flash, so i blew a whole $70. on the newer box..i am as happy as a pig in ****!
Leicas need work. Hard work. Focusing, calibrating, adjusting.Looking after..The lack of auto focus simply impossible in a world populated with ADD people. One needs speed. Supersonic speed. Using film, a lovely pastime and a definite creative edge dealing with clients who can be re-educated into waiting for quality. A few big prints in a fancy folder, way more impressive than a DVD or CD with cover..The big money was never with the photographer who shot like a crazy person.. The guy with the Deardorf, The Rollei all on tripods mostly made startling livings for Mr A and Mr P. Sure times have changed.. because photographers have allowed themselves to be seen as whores on a corner..
There is no free lunch. Digital is expensive. Updates. Improvements. Every new F*******G camera is better. Better than what. C'mon improve the work, raise the quality, have prints a client will fight to have on his/her/it's wall!
Posted by: jason gold | 23 October 2012 at 02:32 PM
@aaron: to be honest sev was souping his film for as long as i remember. i always souped mine via lab. i don't think a lot of people take up doing their own wet process if at all. you can get enlargers for free on craigslist. more posts? hmm... i'm kinda more into just posting photos on tumblr...
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:27 PM
@patrick: thanks, man. 80% evf. 20% ovf.
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:28 PM
@gene: i will! thanks for the link.
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:29 PM
@mike: the x100 is a joy! you can always buy a leica film body and find out why people seem to love rangefinders!!!
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:30 PM
@jason: thanks!!!!
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:30 PM
@me: happy you enjoyed some of the points. why so anonymous?
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:31 PM
my tirade against leica is could be much longer. interesting points.
Posted by: Chris | 23 October 2012 at 03:32 PM
Hey Chris,
liked your post. Although a digital rangefinder is not on my list, it's nice to get a insight on the usage of the X-Pro1.
There is just one thing that is itching me:
You said: "I’m done with any digital system that isn’t AF. Digital should be AF"
Although I understand kind of what you mean, I cannot support this. There are (in my opinion) a lot of excellent photographers using digital bodies with older MF-lenses. Remember Shashank from the workshops in Berlin? He uses a 5DMKI with Zeiss lenses and enjoys the slower process of focussing manually. And I think his passion for this pays off! Why not shooting digital with MF? I myself often tend to focus manually. It helps me focus on the picture rather than snapping away. Don't get me wrong, I like to have the ability to autofocus, but I also like to have the possibilty of doing it manually.
But if a company builts a decent digital camera that is MF, why should it not fit in the workflow of (some) photographers?
Just my thought on this. ;)
Apart from that... the picture in your post speak more of themselves and show me that the X-Pro1 is definatly a great tool!
Posted by: Philipp Masur | 24 October 2012 at 02:16 AM
i've been wondering what your thoughts on the fuji were. good read. i loved a lot about the x100 but the focusing just was too frustrating for me, haven't tried an xpro1.
but i have to say i was interested in your description of the banding problem with the m9. i have also had an extremely frustrating, extremely intermittent problem with banding on my m9. every 500 shots or so it will spit out one or two where there is horrible horizontal banding, and it seems to be getting slightly more frequent. the surrounding shots are fine. like playing russian roulette with your photos. can you say anything more about what you think may be causing it, or what you've heard or leica has told you? 'cause they haven't said boo to me about it (i did send it in once, with samples).
i still use the m9 and i like (love) many things about it (check my tumblr... ?) ... but the reliability thing is a real problem.
Posted by: chris | 24 October 2012 at 04:09 AM
Enjoyed your anti-Leica post ;). Seriously though...good article that added an interesting perspective to my current search for a good everyday camera! Fujifilm X-E1/X-Pro1 more and more look like good candidates...
Posted by: Christopher | 24 October 2012 at 09:47 AM
One of the most enjoyable reads ever Chris! Definitely refreshing! Ironically, you were one of the reasons I bought a M9 a few years ago -- after watching that excellent street photography video one too many times and looking at your street work. The M9 got some great photos for me, but as of the last year, it has taken a back seat to AF cameras like the X100, XPro1 (which I had, but will likely re-get it) and the OMD. At the end of the day, AF exists to make life easier, and it does. As for the jabs at the "king of dilettantes" and "forum whore turned blogger", WOW. I mistakenly thought you were all buds. My favorite photo is the first one -- the carrousel. It's intriguing and has a lot of character. Keep up the good work, and anxiously waiting for you to make another video about street photography. Get Sev in it again! Cheers.
Posted by: Armanius | 24 October 2012 at 01:46 PM
"Funny thing is I know more kids with Canon digital Rebels doing better work than 99% of the guys wearing a Leica." Lol! That's true! You can just tell it by checking out the Leica M9 group on Flickr. Or just look at Steve Huff's crappy photos.
Speaking of raw converters. I love how RPP (raw photo processor) handles the RAF files from my x100. I use C1 and LR4 mainly, because of the great workflow and speediness. But for my own files - RPP is a winner! The "K64 " film preset is great. Btw it's Mac only.
Check out the RPP here: http://www.raw-photo-processor.com/RPP/Overview.html
Some interesting talk about conversion techniques with X-Pro1 can be found here:
Posted by: Matteus | 24 October 2012 at 03:04 PM
this has to be the best X-Pro1 report I've ever read. period. now where's mine, they said it should be with me this week, still 2 days to go :)
Posted by: hexx | 25 October 2012 at 05:38 AM
I don't understand your assertion that digital should be autofocus. I completely get wanting to autofocus. That's something I want too, and there's no way I'd use a manual focus as my primary camera, but what does that have to do with digital? If autofocus helps not to miss shots, then do film shooters want to miss shots? I also don't get your point that a $7k camera should autofocus when you seem perfectly happy with the fact that your $5k Leica MP does not.
The X-Pro 1 seems like a fantastic camera with a great system to go with it. I'd choose it over the M9 in a heartbeat. But why so bitter? Did Steve Huff and Thorsten Overgaard force you to shoot Leica? That part of it all was very odd and detracted from an otherwise enjoyable read with great photos and some interesting insights.
Posted by: Amin Sabet | 25 October 2012 at 02:34 PM
Very good article! Excellent photos. Thanks for the comment about the X-Pro 1 grip. I had been on the fence on this, but your comment tipped the scales and I ordered one. I got it today and am glad I did. I am amazed at the difference it makes for me.
Posted by: Marc Mitchell | 26 October 2012 at 09:59 PM
Hi Chris,
I think you've just sold me on the idea of this camera for street photography. Albeit, I can't afford it at present, as I'm still building up and bolstering my Canon system for PJ wedding coverage. But thanks for the read and especially the photos!
Posted by: Pavel K. | 28 October 2012 at 10:07 AM
Interesting article. I've always thought you to be a pretentious guy after reading that street photography manifesto that claimed you could only shoot street with a Leica M, only a Leica M and Tri-X.
Leica has become a maker of fetish items that the majority of photographers can't afford. I was waiting for another camera manufacturer to create something with the same spirit of an M (quiet, stealthy, similar for factor) but without the outdated features and exorbitant prices.
I appreciate the perspective and I'm pleased that you find the Fuji an adequate performer on the street. I haven't yet decided to purchase one yet, and may wait for the next iteration. But I will be moving to the Fuji system at some point because it seems to fit my needs.
Truth be told I could easily afford an M, but refuse to support a company that is no longer concerned with photography in the hands of photographers.
Posted by: Mani Macchiato | 07 November 2012 at 07:56 PM
i'm gonna make"fuji" red dots that stick on the front of x-pro1's, and make millions. Millions i say. cool read.
Posted by: randall | 10 November 2012 at 02:21 PM